1. Le città e le politiche urbane.
2. Le città del futuro e l’acquis urbano europeo.
3. Intorno al concetto di città intelligente.
4. La governance della nuova intelligenza urbana.
5. Differenziazione istituzionale e governo urbano.
6. Strategie integrate di sviluppo urbano: le “agende urbane”.
7. Agende urbane e modelli regionali di sviluppo locale.
8. Considerazioni conclusive.
The essay analyzes the recent transformations of urban policies, in a perspective that integrates European policies, in particular with regard to the urban agenda, the recent developments in the practices of “smart cities”, the institutional changes that
have affected the system of local administrations in Italy. In particular, the article focuses on the relationship between the new idea of urban intelligence and the new “governance” of the city, understood as the limited capacity of the municipalities to
be “lonely protagonists” in a new scenario that requires extensive involvement of the several levels of government and of different social actors. The essay is also devoted to the analysis of the European policies regarding the Urban Agenda and their implications for the national, regional and local levels: the development of integrated approaches to the urban phenomenon allows us to reflect on the overall character of these policies, their potential and their main issues. The analysis indicates that the urban system is undergoing significant transformations and that the metropolitan cities are facing increasingly difficult challenges, in a competitive and differentiated scenario.