1. Le sfide del diritto pubblico da accogliere.
1.1. Le città come esperienze giuridiche ordinamentali.
1.2. Le fonti del diritto pubblico.
2. La produzione sociale di rilevanza giuridica.
3. La disciplina dei regolamenti comunali di gestione condivisa dei beni comuni urbani. I patti di collaborazione.
3.1. La collaborazione come funzione ordinaria.
3.2. La natura dei beni oggetto dei patti.
3.3. Ulteriori profili di disciplina.
4. Conclusioni.
The essay takes as starting point the recent phenomenon of the adoption – by
several cities and towns in Italy, e.g. Bologna in 2014 – of new municipal regulations regulating the collaboration between the citizens and the local administration for
the shared management of urban common goods. These regulations provide for the involvement of Italian municipalities and citizens in a wide range of activities aimed at
caring, using and regenerating deteriorated urban goods in the interest of the community. They design a new legal tool, that is the Pact of Collaboration, which differs
from a normal contract. According to the Author, these regulations have brought significant changes under three pivotal aspects of European public law: the centrality of
States, the rule of law based mainly on statutes and the classical view of public/private divide. Under these respects, they work as a laboratory for the creation of a new
law of the cities.