Carla Barbati, Le autonomie universitarie nel caleidoscopio: il reclutamento accademico


1. La «carriera accademica» nell’incontro con le autonomie universitarie. 

2. Il reclutamento tramite l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale: “vuoti” e “pieni” di autonomia. 

3. Gli “altri” reclutamenti per “altri” spazi di autonomia. 

4. I reclutamenti e l’organizzazione accademica delle discipline: un “banco di prova” per l’autonomia.

5. (Segue) Per riprendere il cammino.


Few organizational and functional aspects of the University system have been discussed more and most the focus of the attention of the legislator than it has been recruitment and progression in the roles of the University teaching and research staff. Like all the issues at the “center” of the debate, many arguments and topics have helped to define its contents and solutions and each of them deserves specific attention. However, this study aims to look at this issue from a different and broader perspective, therefore distant from the details. That is the one offered by University autonomy in its various institutional, organizational, legal, financial and above all scientific and educational dimensions. A prospect authorized, not to say suggested, by the awareness that the topic of “academic career” and its structure has become, in some experiences, as in the Italian, also the kaleidoscope through which autonomy has being defining itself with shapes made of “empty” and “full”, from time to time different, so that the “history” of academic recruitment and of its many disciplines, with the plurality of their models and reasons, may well be considered the “history “of the different fates known by University autonomy.
