Aldo Sandulli, L’immoto perpetuo: patologie del reclutamento locale dei docenti universitari


1. La scoperta dell’immoto perpetuo. 

2. I concorsi locali e l’autonomia irresponsabile. 

3. La disciplina normativa introdotta dalla riforma Gelmini. 

4. I problemi concernenti le procedure di chiamata. 

5. Conclusioni.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems emerging from the new system of local recruitment for university professors. The work is divided into four parts: the first briefly examines the previous system of local recruitment introduced by the Berlinguer-Zecchino reform of 1999 and identifies the problems that such reform has caused to the university system; the second part analyzes the legislative framework introduced by the Gelmini reform of 2010; the third part discusses the main rulings that administrative courts have adopted in recent years on local recruitments; finally, the article puts forward some proposals aimed at untying the main problematic issues concerning recruitment. It argues, in particular, in favor of returning to a national competition for the recruitment of university professors.
