Carlo Ibba, Società in house: nozione e rilevanza applicativa 


1. Premessa. 

2. Le società in house: nozione. 

2.1. Il controllo analogo. 

2.2. Segue: (…) controllo analogo e diritto societario comune. 

3. Le società in house: rilevanza applicativa.

3.1. Società in house e giurisdizione sulle azioni di responsabilità degli amministratori. 

3.2. Società in house e procedure concorsuali. 

4. Un auspicio finale. 

Nota bibliografica.


The paper has been inspired by a recent decision of the Italian Court of Cassation and it aims at framing the exact concept of “in house companies”, focusing on
the concept of the so-called “analogous control” in publicly-held corporations. The paper studies the compatibility between “analogous control” and corporate law and it maintains that “in house companies” are subject to ordinary corporate law and insolvency law with respect to directors’ liability and bankruptcy proceedings.
