Luca R. Perfetti, Le procedure di affidamento dei trasporti pubblici locali.


1. La situazione di fatto ed i problemi ch’essa pone. 

2. Ricognizione dei dati normativi essenziali. 

3. Alternative di modello euristico.

4. Le conseguenze del modello nella situazione di fatto.

5. La discussione intorno al concetto di servizio pubblico. 

6. Le ragioni giuridiche che sostengono il modello del servizio pubblico in senso oggettivo nel settore del trasporto pubblico locale.


Public passenger transport services (by rail or by road) in Italy are particularly inefficient. As a matter of fact, in our Country such services are costly for public spending, consumers are unsatisfied, competition is nearly absent; such a situation is almost paradoxical and require serious thoughts. Under a legal point of view, focus is about the idea of public service itself. Therefore, if sound suitable the idea that public services are defined by their goals – and not in force of the provider nature’s – is to be considered the perspective public tender are mandatory any time an exclusive rights is to be awarded or lack of revenues from the sale of tickets will be repaid to the competent authority. Matching public tender procedure and public aid or awarding of exclusive rights, will provide a solution useful to overtake the idea public service contracts are related to the whole local service; contract is to be awarded under a public tender each time a single exclusive rights or aid will be provided. Under proposed solution, competition is maximized and present Italian situation should be beneficiary modify.
