1. Premessa.
2. I vincoli discendenti dal referendum abrogativo del 12-13 giugno 2011 tra fini dei promotori e normativa di risulta.
3. La distinzione tra profittabilità teorica ex post e remunerazione garantita vietata ex
4. La questione degli «oneri finanziari»: una reintroduzione surrettizia della situazione precedente al referendum?
5. Conclusioni.
This work aims to provide a systematic review of the main legal issues discussed
by the judgments of the T.a.r. of Lombardy (Milan), March 26, 2014, nn. 779 and
780, relating to the appeal of the «Temporary price-related method», issued by the
italian «Authority for electricity, gas and water services» (as the new central level regulatory authority of the water service), to claim the contrasts of it with the results of
the 12 and 13 June 2011 referendums. The Author, based on the key issues of this
litigation, examines some of the main price-related regulation questions of water service such as the relationship between the outcomes of the referendums, intentions of the
promoters and normative limits for the court; the possibility or not to make profits in
the water service sector interpreted as a public local service with economic relevance and
with the outcomes of the referendums and, finally, the analysis of the item «financial
charges» included in the «Temporary price-related method» in order to understand if
it may represent a subliminal reintroduction of capital invested remuneration prohibited by the referendum’s results.