Sergio Marotta, Né mercato, né Stato, né società: il caso Alitalia


1. Premessa. 

2. Il Governo e l’Alitalia. 

3. La Corte costituzionale e l’Alitalia. 

4. L’Antitrust e l’Alitalia. 

5. Gli ultimi sviluppi. 

6. Considerazioni conclusive.


Neither the Market, nor State, nor Society: the Alitalia Case Since it was transformed from State owned enterprise into private company, Alitalia has been unstable passing through repeated financial and commercial crises that put at risk its very survival. The Italian government has intervened several times in support of the national airline company, often bypassing market and competition rules. In 2008 Alitalia was privatized by decree and it was created an artificial three-year monopoly on domestic flights routes. But not even this solution proofed to be decisive. In 2013, following further difficulties, control over Alitalia was transferred to three Italian financial entities: two private banking institutions, Banca Intesa and Unicredit, and one public entity, Poste Italiane. The Alitalia case shows that neither the public management, nor the private one have been able to provide, in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, a service that is still considered crucial for the development of the countr
