Guillaume Du Puy-Montbrun, Participation du public aux décisions environnementales et question prioritaire de constitutionnalité 


1. Le contenu de la décision. 

2. Des réponses previsibles. 

3 Des questions ouvertes. 

3.1. Des bases constitutionnelles de la participation du public à la décision administrative. 

3.2. Le statut de la procédure administrative dans le droit administratif français.


In its 2011-183/184 decision from Oct. 14th 2011, the French constitutional council holds unconstitutional two legal provisions of the Environmental Code,. These provisions, ruling the regulation of facilities presenting a risk for the environment, did not organise the participation of the public to their drafting, in violation of article 7 of the 2004 French constitutional Environmental Bill. Above its occasional input, this decision is an opportunity to question the situation of the procedural rights in French administrative law, their constitutional basis and the way they can enrich the legal theory of administrative action.
