Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, Il diritto costituzionale di accesso a Internet

1. Premessa.
2. Non di sola privacy vive il giurista tecnologico…
3. Internet e il “nuovo” concetto di libertà del pensiero.
4. Digito ergo sum. Sul diritto di accesso a Internet.
5. Il diritto costituzionale a Internet nella giurisprudenza: profili comparati.
6. Considerazioni conclusive (con un cenno alla vicenda Wikileaks).

In order to understand what the future holds for the constitutional right to access the Internet, one should ask oneself why this right only found protection several decades after individual and fundamental rights were recognised in the most importantWestern constitutions.The answer to this question is to be found in the evermore widespread use of mass media, such as the electronic communication via computer which nowadays is the most important one.

Through the Internet, freedom of expression returns to be an individual right effectively exercisable by individuals.This new freedom needs to be clearly defined. But it needs to be enhanced by public policies at the same time: everybody has to access the Internet and therefore take advantage of his constitutional rights.
