Maria De Benedetto, La “giusta misura” della regolazione, commento alla sentenza del Consiglio di Stato, sez. VI, 9 febbraio 2011, n. 876

1. Il fatto.
2. La decisione del Consiglio di Stato.
3. Le questioni rilevanti: quomodo e quantum della regolazione.
4. Le alternative regolatorie entrano nel procedimento: consultazione e analisi d’impatto della regolazione.
5. Giustificazione, supervisione e “giusta misura” della regolazione.

The article discusses issues concerning the “right size” for regulation as part of the problem of quality of regulation. Starting from an energy & gas law case (on the occasion of a judgment by the Italian Council of the State) the article analyses the problem from a regulatory point of view, in particular, regarding the question of “if and how” regulatory procedural constraints modify judicial review. In fact, the regulatory alternatives “have entered” in regulatory procedures (through consultations and impact regulatory analysis) and now they compel the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas to justify its decisions, to structure them in order to allow judicial oversight and – finally – to seek a proportionate degree of regulation.
