1. Premessa.
2. Le radici del dissenso territoriale e la fatica di decidere.
3. Lo spazio (demitizzato) della partecipazione alle scelte infrastrutturali.
4.Il dibattito pubblico tra negoziazione e partecipazione.
5. La partecipazione alle decisioni di interesse generale dopo il dibattito pubblico.
In Italy, siting policies is the target of a recurrent opposition from the local
communities that bear the economic and social costs of the construction of unwanted
facilities. In order to face these «territorial conflicts», other countries have been
introducing tools to open a dialogue between citizens and public administration in the
infrastructure siting procedures (such as the «dèbat public» in France and the «public
inquiry» in UK).
Following these examples, the recent Italian code of public procurement provides
for the introduction of a «public debate» aimed at including the voices of private
subjects in the public action.
This article, starting from an analysis of the causes of «siting conflicts», seeks
to analyze the main features of the Italian «public debate» in order to understand
whether its application could create an efficient relationship between decision-making
and consensus-building.