1. La fattispecie.
2. Il raggruppamento temporaneo di imprese e il suo sovradimensionamento.
3. L’illegittimo divieto in via generale del Rti sovrabbondante e l’indagine sulla situazione di fatto e sulla causa in concreto
4. Le clausole escludenti la partecipazione di Rti sovrabbondanti secondo l’Anac e l’Agcm.
5. Conclusioni.
In line with settled case law, the decision n. 3246/2017 of the Council of State
recognizes that in our legal system there is no rule or principle that imposes absolute
exclusion of an overabundant temporary joint venture from a tender.
That said, the Court affirms the need for the “overabundance” of the temporary
joint venture to be assessed on a case-by-case basis in order to verify whether its
constitution was dictated by anti-competitive purposes. Only if, from an analysis of
the factual situation conducted in concreto, it is established that there are sufficient
indicative elements of anti-competitive purposes of the overabundant temporary joint
venture, this must be excluded from the tender.
The aforementioned decision was therefore the occasion to analyze, in the present
comment, the temporary joint venture in its “overabundant” form, investigating the
legitimacy or otherwise of its exclusion from participation in tenders. Along this study
particular importance assumes the analysis in concrete of the factual situation, as it is
identified as key to decide on the said legitimacy.