Barbara Neri, I servizi funebri e cimiteriali: natura giuridica e forme di gestione


1. Premessa. 

2. Inquadramento della materia. 

3. Il trasporto funebre: natura giuridica e forme di gestione. 

4. I servizi cimiteriali: natura giuridica e forme di gestione. 

4.1. La sepoltura dei cadaveri e le attività necroscopiche. 

4.2. L’illuminazione votiva.

5. Le onoranze funebri: natura giuridica e forme di gestione. 

6. Considerazioni conclusive.


The article aims to analyze the industry of funeral and cemetery services in order to investigate the legal nature of its activities and identify the forms of management, particularly in light of the recent regulatory changes that affected the public services industry in general. Although poorly studied within the general area of scientific contributions relating to public services, for likely they are not used in everyday life, these services are often the subject of controversies, due to relevant economic interests and to the fact that in this sector public and private coexist without a definite demarcation line. The article focuses in particular on the nature of funeral and cemetery services and, finally, of funerals. The analysis has been conducted separately for each type of service, for these activities are exercised by different authorities on the basis of different legislative provisions.
