Carla Bassu, Sicurezza alimentare e ragionevolezza. La tutela dei diritti tra principio di precauzione e proporzionalità


1. Premessa. 

2. I criteri in materia di sicurezza alimentare tra dirittonazionale, europeo e internazionale. 

3. Il circuito WTO. Efficacia e derogabilità dell’Accordo SPS. 

4. Precauzione e ragionevolezza nel diritto europeo e internazionale: due pesi e due misure?


The increasing consumers’ awareness concerning food quality makes food security to be one of the priorities in national, European and international political agenda. The strictness of sanitary checks on products all through the food chain helps protecting individual and collective health rights. The precautionary principle is one of the key points of the food security strategy and it entails the adoption of temporary measures to manage the risk for health, on hold to scientific data demonstrating the existence of a real danger. The precautionary principle guarantees a strong protection of personal integrity but it can be interpreted in different, discretional ways. The theoretical analysis of precautionary principle and the mention of some significant jurisprudential cases highlights contrasts in interpreting and implementing the precautionary principle at national, European and international level. 
