Claudio Cataldi, Il “Quarto pacchetto ferroviario”: la proposta per uno spazio ferroviario europeo unico e liberalizzato


1. Introduzione: l’architettura del quarto pacchetto ferroviario.

2. Il pilastro di mercato: i nodi della concorrenza. 

2.1 L’indipendenza del gestore dell’infrastruttura. 

2.2 L’apertura alla concorrenza del trasporto nazionale passeggeri. 

2.3 Le misure per incentivare la contendibilità dei contratti di servizio pubblico: l’accesso al materiale rotabile. 

3. Il pilastro tecnico.

3.1 La trasformazione dell’ERA: dall’armonizzazione all’amministrazione diretta.

4. Conclusioni.


The Commission proposed the adoption of fourth railway package to achieve a single European railway area and liberalized. The proposal is based on two pillars: a market and a technical. The first pillar is aimed at removing all possible barriers to market access and aims at strengthening the infrastructure manager, the opening of national passenger transport to competition and to foster the tenders for public service contracts. The second pillar is to ensure the technical and administrative uniformity in the European railway area and attaches relevant direct administration functions ERA. Although it was presented in 2013, the fourth railway package has not yet been approved by the European Parliament and the Council. The stalemate reflects the political tension between the European Commission and the Member States on the identification of the best model of organization of the railway service and also the diversity of the experiences and results achieved by individual Member States during the process of progressive opening to the market.
