Elisabetta Morlino, Il nuovo project financing per gli impianti sportivi


1. Introduzione. 

2. La multifunzionalità del diritto allo sport e l’offerta sportiva come servizio di interesse generale.

3. Il diritto allo sport in concreto: l’impiantistica sportiva in Italia.

4. I problemi del project financing per l’impiantistica sportiva.

4.1. Nuovi modelli di sviluppo dell’impiantistica sportiva e bilanciamento degli interessi. 

4.2. L’impiego del project financing nella prassi. 

5. Le soluzioni normative: tentativi efficaci? 

5.1. L’ambito di applicazione della disciplina: una promessa mancata. 

5.2. Le nuove procedure della finanza di progetto per gli impianti sportivi: profili problematici. 

5.3. La cessione dei beni senza vincolo di strumentalità. 

5.4. I project bonds per il finanziamento degli impianti sportivi. 

6. Conclusioni.


The New Project Financing for Sports Facilities The use of project financing for the construction and renovation of sports facilities should meet social and economic needs, such as to refurbish sports facilities that in Italy currently do not guarantee an egalitarian fulfillment of the right to sport; and to overcome the lack of public resources in a situation of economic crisis, acting as a lever for growth and economic development. In an attempt to answer these needs recent legislative reforms have regulated project financing procedures (with specific reference to sports facilities). The article sifts the main changes introduced by these reforms and provides an assessment of the suitability of these to meet social and economic objectives. The analysis is carried out taking into account the impact of the reforms on the interests of the various stakeholders (service users, builders, investors, public administrations, the community as a whole). A critical examination shows that the new legislation falls short of achieving its underlying objectives. Indeed it focuses primarily on medium and large infrastructures and on the role of users as public of il nuovo project financing per gli impianti sportivi sport events, rather than on the small infrastructures that guarantee the fulfillment of the right to sport for everyone. Furthermore it does not significantly simplifies the project financing procedures, nor it creates relevant incentives for economic operators. Finally it prevents only partially the environmental risks deriving from infrastructural speculations. primarily on medium and large infrastructures and on the role of users as public of il nuovo project financing per gli impianti sportivi sport events, rather than on the small infrastructures that guarantee the fulfillment of the right to sport for everyone. Furthermore it does not significantly simplifies the project financing procedures, nor it creates relevant incentives for economic operators. Finally it prevents only partially the environmental risks deriving from infrastructural speculations.
