1.Valutazione non dei risultati della ricerca, ma del loro apprezzamento da parte della comunità scientifica di riferimento.
2. Occorre perciò partire dalle convezioni vigenti in ciascuna comunità scientifica.
3. Il problema dell’introduzione di nuove convenzioni: norme transitorie, comportamenti strategici, ecc.
4. Qualche conseguenza: la scienza giuridica e l’internazionalizzazione; la scienza del diritto e la pratica.
5. Conclusioni.
The most suitable assessment criteria for scientific products is how much a research is appreciated within the scientific community it belongs to.The adoption of objective criteria and standards for assessing what might be the only one degree of truth of the research is, however, the goal of a science abhorrent regressive and repressive.
Measuring the degree of appreciation picked up by a research means to pay attention to the conventions with which a scientific community works and, of course, be consistent with them.
This essay questions on research assessment and identifies some major problems: the internationalization of legal research, its consequences for positive law, the current lack of significant agreements and its penalizing effects, as well as the separation between two circuits of thought, that of theoretical studies and that of practice which may have a negative impact on the case commentary genre.