1. Premessa: l’importanza e la disciplina complessa del tema infrastrutturale.
2. Infrastrutture per…
3. Infrastrutture e città: strutture logiche…
4. (segue) e metodi di interazione reciproca.
5. Tra elementi di frizione e margini di opportunità.
6. Crisi e infrastrutture per le città: una valutazione sulle tendenze evolutive in atto.
The theme of urban infrustructures is a highly complex topic. This depends not
only on the difficulty that every city has to face in identifying the most appropriate
infrastructures; the complexity derives also from the fact that the matter is traditionally and logically sought after by both the local level of governments and the central
one. The equilibrium between these two distinct poles can only derive, on the one
hand, from the awareness that “the city” does not always correspond to the extension of the municipality and that, on the other hand, any state or Regional intervention should take into account and boost autonomous processes of ricomposition of
the urban texture