Fulvio Cortese, L’istruzione tra diritto europeo e diritto nazionale


1. Premessa: il discorso nazionale sull’istruzione dinanzi alle politiche europee. 

2. Fonti, soggetti e tecniche dell’azione europea in tema di istruzione. 

3. I profili oggetto di intervento europeo. 

4. Gli effetti sull’ordinamento interno. 

5. Conclusioni: gli snodi (critici) del rapporto tra politica scolastica nazionale e politica europea dell’istruzione.


The evolution of education policy in Italy has always been characterized by a
strong tension between two different views: a first perspective, aiming to conceive the school as a neutral place for a better cultural growth of any individual; a second understanding, that interprets the education policy as a strategic tool for other concurring public policies. In the last two decades, EU law has significantly strengthened the second perspective. This contribute aims to give an overview about the rules, the principles and the tools available to the EU to implement its policies and to verify the impact of these policies on the reforms promoted by the Italian legislator from the end of the 1990s to the present day.
