Gabriele Torelli, I margini di modificabilità dell’offerta in sede di verifica dell’anomalia e di soccorso istruttorio


1. Una breve premessa. 

2. Il sub-procedimento di verifica dell’anomalia dell’offerta: un’occasione per un riesame della proposta? 

3. Alcuni indizi sulla modificabilità dell’offerta dopo la contestazione di anomalia: da
un’interessante pronuncia del giudice amministrativo al favor per il contraddittorio prima del processo. 

4. L’avallo legislativo alla revisione dell’offerta e l’indifferenza di ANAC e giudice amministrativo: il “nuovo” soccorso istruttorio. 

5. Qualche osservazione conclusiva.


The paper aims to analyze the concrete implementation and interaction in the Italian legal system of the non discrimination principle and the principle of participation in public procurement. Italian administrative case law has ruled out the possibility that vendors can change their offer after the deadline to submit their offer. Indeed this would go against the principle of equal treatment: allowing one vendor to do this would grant him a preferential position compared to the other vendors who have submitted the offers within the deadline. Although this is a widely accepted approach in case law, an in depth analysis of legislation could lead to a different interpretation. Already the public procurement code of 2006 (legislative decree no. 163 of 2006) required procuring entities to provide bidders the opportunity to rectify their offer if this was incomplete or erroneous. In particular, bidders were allowed to supplement, clarify or complete the relevant information or documentation within a certain deadline. The newly enacted public procurement code of 2016 (legislative decree no. 50 of 2016) provides for the same possibility. Therefore, under the influence of the European public procurement directives and despite a possible violation of the equal treatment principle, it seems that Italian law allows vendors to modify their offers also after the deadline to submit them. The promotion of the participation principle leads to this interpretation.
