Gianluca Gardini, RAI e servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo: la “cultura italiana” in bilico tra unità, pluralismo e mercato 


1. Il paradosso della libertà di Stato. 

2. Servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo e Stato sociale. 

3. Il paradigma BBC. 

4. La televisione come bene “pubblico”. 

5. Il progetto culturale “RAI”. Le origini. 

6. Il progetto “culturale” RAI. La modernità. 

7. Il progetto “culturale” RAI. Il sistema misto.

8. La Costituzione come denominatore comune. 

9. Il pluralismo come missione. 

10. Guardando al futuro.


The public broadcasting service is marked by the thicker “cultural” relevance than commercial one, together with the “function” of identity that it carries for the benefit of citizens / users. The public broadcasting service conveys the official culture of a country, in the form of music, drama and theater, dance, literature and poetry, visual arts, architecture and cultural heritage, film, comedy, sports, TV series. When properly implemented, the public broadcasting service has the basic task of making sure that the audience feels in harmony with society and culture to which it belongs. The cultural project of RAI, originally, was to introduce to culture the masses who, at that time, were largely excluded, giving Italians the basic tools of knowledge required to consciously perform their role of citizens. At the beginning, the function of the RAIwas primarily educational, and it had as main objective to unify Italians below one language, one culture, one common identity. Today, in the digital age and in time of massive migrations, the cultural unity of our country cannot be achieved through the reduction of the differences (for example, between North and South), as RAI tried to do during the Fifties and Sixties, but it demands the recognition of the natural diversity that marks the Italian community. The national unification project cannot be based on a unique cultural model, as it was during the past. Therefore the new mission of public broadcasting service is to foster the integration and cohesion of different cultural models, to offer hospitality to the many ideological options living together in our society, without imposing standards and stereotypes. With only one overall limit: the Italian Constitution. The Republican Constitution is the common house that harbor and equalizes Italians, and that everyone has the duty to defend, regardless of his/her beliefs, origins and traditions.
