1. La sentenza del Consiglio di Stato, sez. VI, 25 maggio 2015, n. 2660.
2. La giurisprudenza di riferimento.
3. L’art. 12 della direttiva 2014/24/UE del 26 febbraio 2014, l’art. 28 della direttiva 2014/25/UE (settori speciali) e l’art. 17 della direttiva 2014/23/UE (concessioni).
4. Le società strumentali in house: alcune considerazioni.
5. Il Consiglio di Stato tra misunderstanding e overruling.
The judgment of the Council of State n. 2660 of 25 May 2015 should be
reported to the attention of the interpreters for the reception of a renewed concept of
public authority, which in the current set-order structure can no longer be considered
fixed and unchanging.
In fact starting from this premise, the supreme administrative judges write, that
the execution of entrepreneurial activity towards external subjects attributes to Cineca
a commercial character which prevents to consider it as a subject in house, or a mere
organ of government consortium.
It should however be clarified that, in the opinion issued on 30 January 2015,
n. 298, in an advisory session, the second section of the Council of State had decided
another – recte opposite – solution, referred just to the same recurring institution of
the judgment at issue here, so we wonder if we face an overruling or not.
In this regard, to resolve such conflicts arrived the amend to art. 11a of the DL.
Local authorities, no. 78 of 2015, through article 9.