1. Introduzione.
2. Il dibattito pubblico nel contesto internazionale.
3. La ricerca del consenso.
4. Il modello francese di débat public e la normativa
5. La bozza di decreto per il dibattito pubblico sulle grandi opere.
6. Luci ed ombre sul dibattito pubblico nell’ordinamento italiano.
The public debate, introduced by the rules set out in art. 22 of the Code of
public contracts, d.lgs. no. 50/2016, is one of the qualifying points of the new code
and is part of the broader theme of “widespread” participation in the decision making
of the administration. The institute is inspired by the French model of débat public and aims to
introduce a widespread democratic control and a new channel of dialogue between
administration and citizens, for the realisation of public works really shared.
However, some critical profiles have to be underlined, for the incompleteness of
the discipline and for the extreme caution shown by the Legislator – and also by the
Government in the draft of D.P.C.M. – that threaten to frustrate the benefits that are
expected from the institute’s application.