Giovanni Mulazzani, Limiti operativi extra moenia all’in house: un margine residuale agli investimenti


1. Limiti operativi delle società in house: un tema di stringente attualità

2. La disciplina dell’in house providing alla luce delle nuove direttive europee e del Codice dei contratti pubblici e delle concessioni 

3. L’in house alla luce del testo unico sulle società partecipate. 

4. I limiti operativi extra moenia delle società in house alla luce del nuovo quadro normativo. 

5. Un margine residuale qualificato per gli investimenti e per l’operatività delle società in house: controversie e problemi aperti.


Since long time judges and doctrine are confronting with each other about the limits of the extra-territorial activity of public owned companies, with specific reference to inhouse providing companies, which represents the widest spread way for the management of local public services. The decision of the Administrative Court of Liguria (TAR Liguria) of 10th June 2016, n. 606 is one of the latest decisions on this topic. That decision is of particular importance also in light of the new legislative framework, amended by the new Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU. In light of this decision, it should be taken into account also the new Code on Public Contracts (d.lgs. n. 50/2016), which represents the implementation of the three Directives, and the d.lgs 19 August 2016, n. 175, the Consolidated Bill on Public-Owned Companies (Testo Unico in materia di società pubbliche). The Court states that the extra-territorial activities of the in-house providing companies directed towards the management of local public services is lawful and consistent with the current legislative framework, at the condition that this activity is not conditioning the distinctive character of the in-house providing companies, namely the fact that 80% of their activities are carried out in the performance of tasks entrusted to them by the controlling authority, according to Art. 12 of Directive 2014/24/EU. This provision, implemented by d.lgs. n. 175/2016, opens towards the execution of activities for third parties for a quota not exceeding the 20%, but only under the condition of the realization of economies of scale or other efficiency-increasing activities. The margin to operate extra moenia represents an important occasion for inhouse providing companies to implement the invested capital and to increase the value of the activities provided for in the provision of local public services.
