1. Premessa.
2. L’accesso alla Rete.
2.1. La problematica qualificazione dell’accesso.
2.2. Le conquiste realizzate e le sfide ancora aperte.
3. La neutralità della Rete.
4. Quale intervento pubblico sul Web?
5. Nuovanlinfa al pluralismo.
6. Conclusioni.
Studying the role of the media in the process of Italian cultural unification, the
Internet comes to light for its distinctive status: its relatively short life is, in effect,
counterbalanced by an exceptional pervasivity and an impressive innovatory force. The
attitude of the Web to facilitate the enjoyment of individual freedoms and democratic
participation raises the question whether Net access should be considered a fundamental right and consequently protected by the Constitution. After having dealt with
the questionable constitutionalization of the right to access the Internet and once
showed the penetration of the medium in Italy, the essay dwells on the close matter
of access to digital contents, which should be granted to any user with no restrictions
at all. Then the article introduces the debate on Net neutrality and tries to demonstrate that an equal treatment of data packets flowing online is a necessary and sufficient condition for the defense of informative pluralism, naturally occurring on the