Giuliano Fonderico, La formazione dei monopoli municipali in Francia

1. Introduzione.
2. Le funzioni comunali di cura dell’«intérêt local» nell’ordinamento francese dell’Ottocento.
3. Le riserve comunali d’attività.
4. Gli usi produttivi dei suoli comunali: permissions de voirie e concessions.
5. Le concessioni con clausola di esclusiva.
6. I poteri di polizia e il controllo del- l’accesso al mercato.
7. Le concessioni come uffici di cura degli interessi della collettività locale.
8. Conclusioni.

The article reconstructs the birth and the initial development in France of the monopolies on the management of local services in the 19th century.After the brief description of the rules governing the municipalities and their functions, with their various developments, the article examines the activities reserved by law to the municipalities. It then proceeds to illustrate how, by using their policing powers and their powers of disposition of the roads, they extended the exclusive management model to other activities.This model was not the result of a conscious decision by the legislator, but arose instead from an empirical process of response and adaptation to new problems. This process moved in the same direction as the forms of public action that emerged in that period.
