Klaudia Kurcani, La rotazione nei contratti pubblici sotto-soglia: un principio dai confini incerti

1. Un breve cenno introduttivo.
2. La vicenda.
3. La rotazione come strumento volto all’affermazione dei principi di libera concorrenza e massima partecipazione.
4. (Segue) E come garanzia dell’effettiva partecipazione delle piccole e medie imprese alle gare d’appalto.
5. I “lati oscuri” del principio di rotazione ed il conseguente affievolimento della sua portata.
6. La presa di posizione dell’Anac: un intervento chiarificatore?
7. Una chiosa conclusiva.

The principle of rotation must guide the contracting authorities during the consultation phase with the different economic operators which have to be consulted and invited to submit their tenders. The rotation is based on the need to prevent the strengthening of the outgoing successful bidder’s advantage position, especially in the markets where the number of economic operators is restricted. Therefore, it is essential to avoid the award of a public procurement contract without competition, which may also hamper the entrance of micro, small and mediumsized enterprises in the market and to encourage the distribution of opportunities to take part to a tendering procedure between the economic operators concerned. For these reasons, the invitation both of the outgoing successful tenderer and the economic operator which has merely been invited on the previous public tender is exceptional and must be justified.
