Laura Muzi, La disciplina statale sui beni destinati al servizio idrico integrato: riflessioni sulla nozione giuridica di demanialità 


1. La Corte costituzionale si confronta con lo statuto proprietario delle reti idriche. 

2. La sorte dell’art. 113 Tuel alla luce dei più recenti interventi normativi e dell’esito del referendum abrogativo del 2011. 

2.1. Le modalità di gestione del servizio del servizio idrico integrato. 

2.2. La proprietà delle reti e delle infrastrutture serventi. 

3. La necessaria condizione giuridica pubblica dei beni serventi il servizio idrico integrato.

As to the Constitutional court decision n. 320/2011 those infrastructures serving the water supply have public ownership and cannot be property of a company, even if its capital is totally public and no private shareholder will ever be admitted. In a regional legal system, as the Italian one is, no regional law can go against this principle unless declared constitutional unlawful. This follows from the infringement of the civil order unity, that fall within the exclusive legislative competences of the statal law giver. Nor a previous statal provision of law can come back into life as a result of a referendum. Consequently, water and all the related infrastructures cannot be privatized as a consequence of the special public relevance they have in italian legal order. Nonetheless some issues, related to investment funding and management providing, are still open.
