Lorenzo Passeri, L’organizzazione dei servizi pubblici locali fra tutela della concorrenza ed efficienza della spesa pubblica 


1. La riorganizzazione dell’ordinamento degli enti locali e i servizi pubblici locali. 

2. Funzioni fondamentali e servizi pubblici locali: il coordinamento regionale. 

3. Le funzioni fondamentali di organizzazione e gestione dei servizi pubblici di ambito metropolitano e comunale. 

4. L’ambito territoriale ottimale per l’erogazione dei servizi pubblici locali. 

5. L’autonomia organizzativa e il coordinamento regionale.


This study analyses art. 3-bis of the Decree-Law n. 138/2011, concerning the reorganization at the sovra-municipal level of local network services of general economic interest. Furthermore it examines the relationship between such rule with the DecreeLaw n. 95/2012, with a focus on the provisions of such decree that vest municipalities with crucial functions concerning the organization and management of local services of general economic interest. From this analysis emerges an organizational model which combines the requirements of the two Decree-Laws, but which also has to take into account the limitations to public spending set forth by art. 9, par. 6, of the Decree-Law n. 95/2012. Indeed such rule prohibits the setting-up of new bodies however denominated. This model enhance the role played by Regions. The combination of such rules provides the Regions with plenty of room for manoeuvre: Regions become responsible for setting up an unitary organizational structure taking into account the limitations mentioned above. Indeed they are responsible for safeguarding local needs and at the same time for granting the functioning of economies of scale through an unitary (and associated, according to art. 30 of the Testo Unico degli Enti Locali) exercise of functions, without setting up new bodies.
