1. Introduzione.
2. Gli snodi della formazione e del reclutamento degli insegnanti dall’Unità a oggi.
3. La disciplina vigente della formazione e del reclutamento degli insegnanti in Italia.
4. L’impatto del diritto europeo e i suoi riflessi sull’ordinamento.
5. Riformare ancora il modello italiano.
6. Conclusioni.
Teachers’ training and recruitment in Italy has represented a problem since the
national unit. Recruitment policy was based more on the request of whom want to
became a teacher than on the need of a school of quality. The proof is the massive use
of non-permanent staff. However, this kind of situation is changed because of two reasons: the first is endogenous, the second it is induced by supranational European legal
system. The training model, although slow, has aligned itself with best international
standards. Recruitment based on the rankings were overcome by a judgment of the
Court of Justice. It has involved a reform of the national recruitment and has granted
the employment of many temporary workers (about one hundred thousand) and the
abolition of such rankings.