1. Inquadramento problematico alla luce di un recente case study.
2. Conferenza di servizi e coordinamento fra interessi antinomici.
2.1. Conferenza di servizi e semplificazione nei processi decisionali complessi.
2.2. Conferenza di servizi e interessi sensibili.
3. La tutela degli interessi sensibili e gli istituti della semplificazione.
3.1. Quanto all’obiettivo del contenimento dei tempi.
3.2. Quanto all’istituto del silenzio assenso.
3.3. Quanto alla formazione del dissenso qualificato e al potere di opposizione.
The study, starting from the description of a case study, examines the ambivalent
nature of the conference of services, an institute responsible for coordinating antinomical
interests in complex decision-making processes, in the light of the principle of
simplification and acceleration of administrative action. In particular, the joint reading
of some rules about administrative simplification – certainty of the times, silent
assent, power of opposition – as reformed by the delegated law n. 124 of 2015,
reveals a progressive strengthening of the requirements for accelerating the times, to
the detriment of those linked to the careful weighting of the cd. sensitive interests
emerged in the context of the administrative procedure. The weakening of procedural
guarantees therefore entails implications for the constitutional compatibility profiles
with respect to art. 97 of the Constitution. The study concludes with some proposals
de iure condendo aimed at restoring centrality to the sensitive interests of the various
administrations involved in the administrative procedure.