Marco Dugato, L’imperturbabile stabilità dei servizi pubblici e l’irresistibile forza dell’ente pubblico


1. L’onda privatizzatrice e la risacca pubblicistica. 

2. La contaminazione pubblico-privato e la messa in discussione dell’ontologia societaria. 

3. La società pubblica può fallire? 

4. I rischi sottesi all’entificazione delle società. 

5. Il percorso normativo che ha condotto al referendum. 

6. Il tentativo (fallito) di “delocalizzare” i servizi pubblici locali.


The history of legal regulations of local public utilities in the last twenty years has been characterized by several contradictory regulatory interventions caused by two opposite forces: one favourable to competition and the other one favourable to public management. The conclusive result, however, is paradoxical: the actual regulation is fundamentally equivalent to the one in force in 1990. The main goal of this paper is just to prove this hypothesis. The second aim is to show how someone’s intent to convert the private companies entrusted of public utilities into public entities weight on legal regulation, which snarls up
