1. Tecnologie e diritti di nuova generazione.
2. La Cassa depositi e prestiti quale investitore di lungo periodo in infrastrutture.
3. A chi spettano le scelte di investimento?
4. Esistono meccanismi di controllo delle scelte aziendali di Cassa depositi e prestiti?
5. Considerazioni conclusive.
The effectiveness of “new” social rights, such as telemedicine, tele-working, teleeducation – aimed at ensuring citizens a degree of education, welfare and social security commensurate with the high current standards – requires investments in next generation networks. Small arrangement or fringe investments are not enough, it needs to create a new network architecture, structured on broadband. Who is responsible for this cost? Communications services companies or qualified investors who operate with long term capital, like Cassa depositi e prestiti? In the latter case, might political bodyin his capacity as controlling shareholder burden that choice of investment? The article attempts to answer these questions after reviewing business branches of activity carried out by Cassa depositi e prestiti, their respective models of governance as well as
the control mechanisms of corporate decisions.