1. Il significato giuridico e la natura delle classi di concorso.
2. Il nuovo regolamento per la definizione delle classi di concorso: genesi e struttura.
3. Le ricadute giuridiche delle disposizioni regolamentari e del requisito dell’abilitazione sui procedimenti di immissione in ruolo dei docenti attraverso concorso per titoli ed esami e graduatorie ad esaurimento e di attribuzione delle supplenze.
4. Le conseguenze giuridiche sui percorsi di abilitazione.
The Ministry of Education, University and Research has reduced through the
new regulation, issued after 8 years, the number of qualification classes (what a teacher
can teach on the basis of his titles) and recognized the essential value of the qualification itself. But the regulation also has considerable impact on the right to participate in contests, the rankings for substitute teachers and qualification procedures, the
so-called “TFA”. In fact, the new regulation, in some cases, does not seem to have
taken into account, properly, of past situations and carefully weighing the possible violations of the principle of “bona fides” and legitimate expectation. The main goal of
this paper is to show the legally critical areas and to propose some solutions, taking
into account the jurisprudence of the courts. The notes examine also the first rulings
of the administrative courts concerning the 2016 teachers competition.