Monica Cocconi, Gli incentivi alle fonti rinnovabili e i principi di proporzionalità e di tutela del legittimo affidamento


1. Il fondamento dei regimi di sostegno alle fonti rinnovabili e le ragioni della preferenza dell’ordinamento europeo per i meccanismi di mercato.

2. Il quadro normativo europeo. 

3. Le tipologie di regimi di sostegno. 

4. I limiti dei meccanismi quantitativi: la negoziazione dei certificati verdi. 

5. I pregi degli strumenti basati sul prezzo dell’energia: le tariffe incentivanti. 

6. L’incertezza e la lesione dell’affidamento nei meccanismi basati sull’iscrizione ai registri. 

7. Le questioni irrisolte: il livello ottimale degli incentivi, la copertura dei costi del sostegno e la tutela dell’affidamento degli investitori.


Renewable energies support schemes and the principles of proportionality and fairness towards citizens This essay analyses the support schemes on renewable energies that have been introduced by the national legislator in order to fulfill the obligations under European law about the promotion of these sources of energy. In the first part, the Author examines the strengths and weaknesses of the utilization of market instruments and administrative tools to enhance the production of renewable energies. Moreover, the essay questions the quality and the level of public support of market trends. The Author suggests some changes that could prevent public intervention from substituting and voiding the market rules; in particular, public intervention should be consistent with the principle of proportionality, and should only correct market failures, in order to let the market reach the optimal level of incentive. Finally, the essay analyzes the continuous changes that have occurred in the support schemes. This frequent modification sometimes has affected the duration of the support schemes already existing; hence, the expectations of stakeholders could have been prejudiced by these alterations, in contrast with the principle of fairness towards the citizens
