Monica Cocconi, L’equità del sistema di istruzione e le differenze territoriali nei risultati del servizio scolastico

1. Premessa. La diffusione e la crescita dell’istruzione come fattori decisivi per la ripresa della produttività economica e l’aumento della mobilità sociale del Paese.
2. I risultati delle rilevazioni effettuate dall’Invalsi: l’entità e la struttura delle differenze territoriali.
3. L’equità verticale: la definizione e il conseguimento degli obiettivi di apprendimento.
4. L’equità orizzontale: l’equivalenza dei diversi percorsi formativi presenti nel sistema.
5. I vincoli all’equità derivanti dal Quadro europeo delle competenze chiave.
6. La sostenibilità finanziaria della riduzione delle differenze territoriali.
7. Conclusioni.

Instruction and education are two of the most important fields in which public intervention aims to strengthen the economic system through the increase of product capacity. In Italy, the relation between the improvement of scholastic abilities and economic development is crucial and troublesome at the same time. Indeed, international surveys underline the significant lack of fundamental competencies and scholastic abilities of Italian students, if compared to the international average.Those surveys also highlight the presence of heavy domestic territorial imbalances in Italian students’ competences.
The essay points out that an overall reform of the school system is not necessary in order to face those deficiencies. On the contrary, the real carrying out of some constitutional and legislative norms must be accomplished.
Furthermore, to fulfill the constitutional right to education, it would be essential to assure the balanced and effective acquisition of fundamental competencies in all the territory; to reinforce technical studies; to define, for every piece of the education system, the basic level of scholastic performances and abilities; to enhance the role of teachers; and to allocate in an appropriate way the economic resources financing the essential levels of care for education.
