Monica Cossu, Gli Spin-Off universitari e accademici in forma di società a responsabilità limitata


1. Premessa. 

2. Lo spin-off universitario societario: fattispecie e tipologie. 

3. Gli elementi di specialità. 

4. L’ambito di utilizzo del modello organizzativo “spin-off s.r.l.”

5. Spin-off universitario e disciplina della s.r.l. 

6. La configurazione statutaria e parasociale dello spin-off s.r.l. alla luce dei regolamenti di ateneo. Alcuni spunti di best practice statuaria.


The study aims to reconstruct in a systematic way the legal framework of
university and academic spin-offs in the form of italian limited liability company
(società a responsabilità limitata – s.r.l.). The s.r.l, in many ways, is the organizational form best suited to the needs of the university and academic spin-offs, which is made evident by the fact that according to the empirical data the shape of the «s.r.l.» is dominant. The study also intends to present a model of articles of association for university and/or academic spin-offs, illustrating the terms more congenial to the achievement of its economic function.
