Riccardo Ursi, Il governo del gruppo pubblico locale al tempo della spending review 


1. L’emersione normativa del gruppo pubblico locale. 

2. Il potere di indirizzo dell’ente locale nei confronti delle proprie partecipate. 

3. I compiti del socio pubblico. 

3.1. La definizione degli assetti gestionali adeguati.

3.2. La responsabilità sociale e la promozione della trasparenza. 

3.3. Le linee per la gestione del personale. 

4. Conclusioni.


In recent legislation to limit public spending, there have been numerous measures regarding companies owned by local authorities. Efforts to restrict public shareholdings focus on redefining the operating scopes of ownership schemes of this kind and setting in stone the management relationship between companies and their public owners. Against this backdrop, the concept of “local public groups” has become well established in the regulations. These entities encapsulate the management models employed by the public shareholder(s), in an attempt to consolidate the finances. The aim of legislators is for the steering activities and the introduction of a predetermined, unified organizational structure to lead to more efficient utilization of companies to achieve institutional goals. This paper will present a reconstructive analysis of the inclusion of “local public groups” in legislation and its impact on business management, with the intention of conducting a spending review.
