Roberto Caranta, L’affidamento della gestione dei servizi pubblici locali ed i principi del diritto dell’Unione europea (con specifico riferimento al servizio idrico)


1. Introduzione. 

2. Il Tfeu: tra libertà di organizzazione e vincoli a tutela della concorrenza. 

3. Il diritto secondario. 

4. Il caso dell’acqua. 

5. Una disciplina d’eccezione. 

6. Conclusioni.


Contracting authorities are free to choose how to provide services of general economic interest, as the externalisation is not imposed under EU law. This also apply to water services. If a contracting authority chooses to externalise the provision of a given service, the provider shall be selected through procedures in line with the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and competition. If the thresholds are met, EU secondary law will apply. If a significant portion of the economic risk is transferred to the contractor, this now includes Directive 204/23/EU on concessions. Water concessions however have been excluded from the scope of application of this directive
