Roberto Cavallo Perin, L’ordinamento giuridico della città

1. La città tra norme scritte e principi.
2. La popolazione di città.
3. La città come flusso di popolazioni e come ordinamento di ordinamenti.
4. Enti e organi nei riti di città. –
5. Le periferie delle città: un’antitesi e un’immedesimazione nella relazione di complementarietà.
6. Diritti fondamentali e sicurezza nelle città.


The article deals with the concept of City as a complex legal system, where plurality and distinction coexist due to daily flow of people that, for many reasons, come and go. Material and immaterial services offered by the City promote periodic and dynamic relationship between the territory of the City and people: the City becomes a hub as well as a network of networks and, consequently, it represents a place where rights may be exercised. In the City individual and collective rights coexist and each community organizes itself for satisfying individual’s needs and, for this reason, it becomes a legal order. Finally, plurality and distinction in the City bring out the idea of City as a plurality of legal order, joined by the limit of reduction to units.
