Salvatore Sorrentino, L’informativa antimafia e la rilevanza del contesto ambientale


1. La fattispecie concreta esaminata. 

2. La documentazione antimafia nell’evoluzione normativa: misure di prevenzione delle infiltrazioni mafiose nell’accesso alle risorse pubbliche. 

3. Il sistema delle informative antimafia ed il tentativo di infiltrazione mafiosa. 

4. Confronto tra l’informazione antimafia e l’istituto delle c.d. white list: le cautele antimafia nei settori sensibili.

5. Il sindacato del giudice amministrativo: equilibrio tra tutela della libertà di iniziativa economica e tutela della pubblica sicurezza. 

6. La sentenza in esame: congruità dell’istruttoria e rilevanza del contesto ambientale.


The anti-mafia information doesn’t verify the responsibility, but is a prevention tool against risks of mafia infiltration. The Judgment No. 3636 of 22nd July 2015, the State Council confirms that the anti-mafia information is not exempted from judicial review within the terms of excess of power in the aspects of the adequacy of the preliminary investigation, the reasonableness and the proportionality of choice in the interest of the public, considering the impact of that action on the freedom of economic initiative. In the present case, the Judge states the illegality of the anti-mafia information, since it only shows isolated findings that are not linked to the current affair, but are related to the territory which favors the exposure of contractors in contact with clans operating in the area.
