Sergio Marotta, La spending review nei servizi pubblici locali: necessità di razionalizzare, volontà di privatizzare 


1. Un’istruttoria carente. 

2. La «depubblicizzazione» dei servizi pubblici locali. 

3. La patologica moltiplicazione delle partecipate locali. 

4. Contro il capitalismo municipale.


The document drafted by the Special Commissioner for the Spending Review, Carlo Cottarelli, bears the title of “Local Company Rationalization Plan” and considers privatization and recourse to the market as the only options for better functioning of local public services. These conclusions are based almost exclusively on the analysis of the yield of capitals invested by private and public companies in the sector of local public services. However they lack consideration of the specific characteristics of local public services, which stillplay an important role in ensuring the minimum quality of life for citizens in some areas of Italy.
