Simone Franca, Misure di sostegno pubblico e vantaggi economici per gli enti del Terzo settore

1. L’evoluzione della disciplina inerente alle forme di sostegno pubblico nel Terzo settore.
2. I vantaggi economici nel quadro dell’art. 12, l. 7 agosto 1990, n. 241.
3. La procedura di affidamento nell’ambito delle concessioni di beni pubblici alla luce del diritto eurounitario.
4. Il rilievo economico del bene affidato come ragione per una differente procedura di affidamento.
5. La prospettiva del giudice contabile.
6. Alcune conclusioni nella prospettiva della sussidiarietà orizzontale.


The so-called Third Sector has gradually taken on significant importance as an area of administrative action. In particular, through the Third Sector Code (d.lgs. 117/2017), the public administration has been provided with a set of new tools to encourage the activities of the Third Sector actors. Among the others measures enshrined in the Third Sector Code, the ones consisting in economic benefits represent a valuable means of promoting and supporting the activities carried on by the Third Sector actors. In this perspective, this article aims at identifying a general pattern for some of the measures of economic benefits foreseen by the Code, namely those consisting in the provision of monetary measures and the concession of goods. The analysis shows that the new tools provided by the Code must inevitably be read in the light of the general principles and, therefore, they can be exploited according to a legal framework that enjoys a certain degree of flexibility.
