1. Premessa. L’allegoria delle politiche della casa.
2. Cenni sui profili di rischio per la questione abitativa rappresentati dalle nuove tecnologie: in particolare, l’esperienza di Airbnb.
3. Tratti ricostruttivi di un “diritto all’abitare” sul piano europeo e interno.
4. Verso un social housing “rinnovato”: le nuove tecnologie per la migliore organizzazione dei servizi abitativi.
5. I “servizi abitativi urbani” come servizio pubblico di protezione sociale.
6. La tutela del diritto all’abitare attraverso la giustiziabilità dei profili organizzatori.
7. Considerazioni di sintesi.
This article approaches housing deprivation as an example of poverty and social exclusion that could reveal some social policy trends in contemporary smart cities. The analysis focuses on the opportunities for social housing, meant as a set of activities aimed at providing adequate living conditions, first (but not exclusively) to those who do not have access to housing on the market. The findings highlight a “renewed” conception of social housing, going beyond the mere provision of homes, where public bodies could ensure everyone a “right to housing”, enhancing – in terms of specific “urban housing services” – the innovative tools of smart cities. Exploring the content of the right to housing and its jurisdictional protection as a fundamental social right, an idea of “human smart city” as a place where rights are granted is suggested.