1. Notazioni preliminari e piano d’indagine.
2. Il significato della (solo apparentemente) rinnovata “specialità” del codice del Terzo settore. – 3. Le convergenze emergenti tra l’e-government e la cittadinanza attiva.
4. La valenza civica della trasparenza amministrativa nella produzione dei big data.
4.1. Segue. Obblighi di pubblicazione.
4.2. Segue. Registro unico nazionale degli enti del Terzo settore.
5. Le manifestazioni digitali del principio di sussidiarietà orizzontale: i media civici
5.1. Crowdfunding.
5.2. Social street.
6. Gli art. 55 e 56 del codice del Terzo settore: dai servizi innovativi ai patti di collaborazione.
7. Riflessioni sul contenzioso relativo al Terzo settore: molteplici impieghi della formula Administrative Law by Design.
8. Considerazioni conclusive.
The essay moves from the proposal to frame the relations between the public administration and the third sector according to a model of “organizational isomorphism” that can be identified in the legislative decree 3 July 2017, n. 117, containing the Third Sector Code. In this regard, it has been highlighted how this reconstruction allows, on the one hand, to verify the possibility of transposing the activities of general interest, listed in art. 5 of said Code, in a digital version, in line with the e-government model and, on the other hand, to trace the specific advertising obligations and the obligations related to the Single National Register of Third Sector Entities to the more general discipline of the global circulation of data. Once the terms within which, at present, it is possible to talk about a digital Third Sector on the regulatory level have been clarified, it has been investigated whether and to what extent the use of technology can act as an autonomous “form” for the most recent events of the principle of horizontal subsidiarity, having particular regard to civic media, as forms of interaction on the web, conceived as techniques for developing the social capital of the participants. With respect to these participatory practices, efforts have also been made to elaborate a version, albeit embryonic, of their legal status, which is relevant at the jurisdictional level, as well as on the substantive one. Finally, a summary was made in systematic terms, through a dogmatic category, that of common/relational goods, useful for framing the forms of civic empowerment examined.